Monday, July 26, 2010

When it rains . . . it . . . WHAT?!?!?!? (pours)

So there I was . . . driving down the road this morning, on our way to swimming lessons. I was literally thinking to myself "This is so great! I am so proud of me, for having the forethought to schedule summer swimming lessons far enough in advance, that all four kids (in their 3 different levels) could attend in the same session! That has to be enough for a mother-of-the-year award, or something!" Then Josiah said from the back seat "Mommy, can you roll up my window? Someone's Smo-ing" (aka Smoking). We are stopped at a stoplight and while I think "When did he roll his window down, and why?" I immediately try to use the driver side controls to do as he asked. It's not working. I try again . . . no such luck. I hit the window child lock button and try again (knowing full well that that button should have no effect on my ability to raise or lower the window from the driver's controls.) NOTHING! Ugh! So, we call Karl and he says "Oh, that's happened before. Just shut the truck off and restart it, and it should work." SHOULD being the key word. :) So, the lessons are on the base, so we're not terribly worried about anyone stealing our truck or the invaluable things we keep inside (i.e. kleenex, sunflower seeds and ratchet straps,) so we go ahead an attend the lessons. After . . . we try again, to no avail. So this leads to the next dilemma. I had an appointment in D.C. at Walter Reed for some follow up care. (Don't worry anyone . . . I'm fine.) We had planned to load up in the truck, as my Suburban is in the shop (another long story), and take all the kids to the appt and then out to a museum or something in the city. Well, we can't really take our truck with the window stuck open up to D.C., so with about 60 minutes notice, my friend Suzanne graciously agreed to take ALL FOUR kids for the afternoon! Yahooey! "This day is starting to turn around!" I think to myself. Well, that was silly. She reminded me that they have a pool, so I should bring their swimming stuff. "No problem," I thought, "I'll just throw their stuff in the dryer, and we'll be good!" So off I go, to the laundry room, where I collect their swimming gear and place it in the dryer. Press Start and . . . Burning! The dryer immediately smells like it's burning! "Are you serious!?!?!?!" So, clothes out to the line, snacks in the bag, lunch on the way out the door to drop the kids, drop the kids, collect my medical paperwork to take with, and Karl and I head off to a "Medical Date" so to speak. (These days, any time without the kids is a date to us!) So, we're heading up the road, and any of you who have read my blog since the beginning (last month) know that our GPS (aka Sassypants) doesn't really like D.C. Well, she didn't cooperate today, and drug us all over and through downtown D.C. As we are wandering around at our GPS's will, we get a call . . . from Suzanne. Josiah had dropped a 10 pound free weight onto his big toe and it had immediately swollen and turned purple and green. She thought we should get it seen ASAP. So then came the craziness of how do we get our child a medical authorization, and how can he get to the base clinic? (Suzanne doesn't have base access.) We figured that all out, in about 30 phone calls, and headed in to check in for my 2:20pm appointment. (No cell phones allowed in the hospital.) Yes, we did eventually get there. We spent about 50 minutes waiting for the appointment, and yes, we were 15 minutes early. :) And well, the appt was fine. No worries, but also, no details on here! We get out of the hospital and find out that our friends had decided, after all, that since Josiah was now walking and running on his foot, that it probably wasn't broken, and probably didn't need to be examined (at least not that urgently.) So, Josiah is fine . . . he has a huge bruise on the top of his foot, but it seems to be just a bruise. We'll keep an eye on it. The kids had a blast playing in the pool all day, and we are now home . . . all in one piece, minus the truck, whose backseat door has be torn to pieces by my wonderful husband Karl. Hopefully it won't rain before he gets it fixed! But, as the saying goes . . .

When it rains, it pours. :)


  1. Oh ,my girl!! SO So Sorry it was raining inside my home to today and I could not be more help!! UGGG, I hate it when I can not lend a hand!!

    I am hoping for a rainbow inside your home!!

  2. Trinette....Your story made me are very funny and I totally understand the anytime alone is a date thing....and i only have 2 kids...Grest to hear a little snippet of your life....kiss your kids for me..(um...if they'll let you...maybe too old for that?) and tell Karl hi old friend..hope you are well! :-)

    michelle nesbitt silva

  3. Well, at least it's a new day today! What a day indeed!

  4. Sun spots it had to be Sun spots. After correlating your story with several stories of friends north of the Virginia I'm convinced that Sun spots had something to do with it. ;)

  5. I just read a mutual friend's FB page regarding yesterday's chaos . . . I don't know about sun spots, but it was something! Craziness! The good news is that the window part will be here tomorrow and Karl thinks he can install it on his own, the Suburban should be done tomorrow, and hopefully we'll have a new dryer or fixed dryer by tomorrow as well. Tomorrow is going to feel like a complete reversal of yesterday! :)
