Monday, January 3, 2011

No, I haven't forgotten that I have a blog . . . I have though had little time to invest in it! I mostly come here to get a quick and easy link to the other blogs I follow. Sorry. Not that too many people follow mine, but those that do (Abby) are surely missing my life. Yeah right?!?!?! Anyhow, there is so much to write about these days . . . we have come way past Halloween and Thanksgiving, through the "holidays" and emerged on the other side. 2011! The past couple of months have held many exciting times for us. New friends were made, first deer were shot, and oh - so much more. I will hopefully get to update you on some of the details of a couple of the key events . . . but for now, I guess it's just a request that you few followers not give up on me and my blog . . . at least not yet . . .

1 comment:

  1. Few followers??? You have 19, Trinette! :P I only have 8! No worries, def not giving up on you! Love reading about your adventures! Hope you had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

