Saturday, November 20, 2010

Fun with the Moitozo's!

So, backing up just a bit, we're going to head back in time to October . . . I know, I know . . . Halloween has been and gone, but we (Us Wards) had a hugely eventful October, and so much fun, that I just have to share with all of you!

We went to North Carolina to spend nearly a week with our dear friends, the Moitozo's. Steve (Dad) wasn't there, as he was traveling for work, so Karl, Katy, Hunter, Andrew, Josiah and I headed to Monroe to hang out with Glenda, Steven and Evan. We had a great time! We played outside, visited museums, took a tour of the Wycliffe/Jarrs facilities there in Waxhaw, and I think the highlight of the week was driving up to the Lazy Five Ranch! Some of you may wonder how we got friends in NC, so I'll explain. When we were stationed in Maine, we went to the same church as Steve and Glenda - we quickly became close with their entire family, and have grown to love them. We count them among our closest friend, and as a blessing from God! This spring, following God's calling they'd had for some time, they moved their family to NC, where they serve in missions with Jarrs/Wycliffe Bible Translators! We were so pleased that they moved, as they are closer now, than when they were in Maine, and we will likely be able to see them a couple of times a year still! So praise The Lord for his supplying of friends that uplift and support us in our calling, as we try to do the same for them. Moitozo's, if you read this, just know that - We love you guys!

There's are tons of pictures below, and I don't want to take (nor do I have) the time to caption each of them, so here's a list, in no particular order of the pictures below.

Cat caught in live trap, albino elk, Karl feeding a cow elk, scottish highland cattle, karl with a giraffe, Luther the rhino, zebra, watusi cattle, tortoise, on the ranch, Joe in the corn bin, pumpkin slingshot (super fun!), three-wheeler fun, Katy playing mommy/doctor to Evan after a spill, and a few group shots. Hope that helps!

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