Monday, September 27, 2010

Health Update

So, here's just a quick update on my health . . . I had been having liver pain since July, and after tons of blood work, appointments with various doctors, an ultrasound, CT and an endoscopy . . . the doctor who originally told me "You don't have liver pain, because the liver can't feel pain." Has finally agreed that I have liver pain! So, I'm not crazy! Well, at least not about this. Anyhow, he came up with three possible causes, and went over the treatment plans for each. There's no test for any of them, so we picked one (the one that seemed most likely the cause to Karl and I - the doctor did not agree it was most likely, but what does he know???) Seeing as how the meds he gave me for this treatment have me pain free, my next appointment should lead to a diagnosis of something that has a big name that means nothing to anyone unless they have a medical degree . . . but the long and short is that my liver was spasming constantly, therefore - pain. Duh! Me put me on an anti-spasmotic (?spelling?) / smooth muscle relaxant. The most major of the side effects is that it gives me dry mouth and throat, so I have been drinking way more water (not a bad thing) - but it also limits how much singing I can do. I know, I know, the world is a better place for less Trinette singing, but I love it, so I miss being able to sing as much as I would like. But will happily stay on the meds for the two month trial to be pain free! Anyhow, that's about all for now . . . we are enjoying some much needed rainy days this week. I'm looking forward to getting some things done around the house, but I may need to pull out my galoshes and/or webbed feet for a little (or maybe, some serious) puddle jumping! Puddle jumping is a subject that brings two specific friends to mind. Miranda and Jessica. They were my puddle jumping pals in junior high and high school! Such sweet memories, from a simpler time, when happiness could be found in a mud puddle. It may be time to introduce my kids to the fine art of puddle jumping. There will be smiles all around if I manage to work up the courage to do such a thing for them! I promise that if I do . . . pictures will follow! :)

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