Friday, June 25, 2010

Finishing up!

Okay, don't worry you blogaholics . . . this is not a proclamation that I am finishing my new blog! It is just a statement summing up a to do list that has seemed never ending. We are heading to Oregon next week, in preparation for my sister's wedding July 10th, so we have had a miriad of things to accomplish before we leave our mini farm for a couple of weeks. Today, we made Bacon(our, not-so-much a pet, but dinner, pig) a new water trough . . . he had decided that the first draft was a suitable bathtub, so as you can imagine, the fresh water didn't stay fresh for long. So, we semi-covered the new trough in the hopes that he won't bathe in it . . . seems to be working so far. We then put up some wildlife netting around our garden . . . something had been eating our cabbage and broccoli, and we can't have that! On a side note, our tomatoes and cucumbers are growing like crazy! We can't even fit the tomatoes into the wire tomato stake things anymore! They are overflowing out and over! Our cherry tomatoes just started producing little bits of red yumminess, and the larger ones are coming up in just a couple weeks! Anyhow . . . we then got invited to the neighbors house to see the third of the triplet kids (goats) being born! Birth is such an amazing thing to witness. This was particularly fun, as when we return from Oregon, we will likely be picking out which goat we will be adding to our little farm! :) After all that drama, we headed to the horse farm we work at. It was our last day for a few weeks, and as much as we love it there, we were excited to not have that on the agenda for awhile. When we got home, we ran over to check on the baby goats. They're doing well. Dinner, feeding animals, watering the garden, Karl is mowing the back field, Hunter is mowing with the push mower (just enough to give Bacon and the chickens something to munch on), and I am here blogging. We got lots done today, but there is so much more to be done tomorrow. More mowing, cleaning, packing, laundry, more laundry and more packing, and maybe a little bit of relaxing! :) But for now . . . it's time to help in the yard and with the animals.


  1. Whew! I am TIRED just reading that!! (How cool, though!!!!)

  2. The little family farm sounds so cool! I've always dreamed about having a place like that. Really neat!

  3. I still can't believe Hunter is big enough to mow!
