Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dreams and Goals?

So, as some of you might know, Karl and I recently celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary. We had a great date( see picture), that was relaxed and fun. (We did have a minor issue towards the end of the date, but that's a different story . . . ) We have a semi-tradition to share with each other our dreams and goals for the future. It's a fun way to stay on the same page with each other as we venture through another year together. I have been thinking about these dreams/goals every day since. We have had an interesting adult life together . . . spending lots of our time apart thanks to the Navy. I am not complaining, just stating the facts. I really truly feel like our time apart has made us better and helped us appreciate each other when we are together. When we have these talks about dreams, it's always hard for us to know what our dreams are . . . I don't have any "career" goals, and with only 6 years and 1 month (give or take a couple days) left in the Navy before retirement becomes an option, Karl still isn't sure what he wants to do "when he grows up". We can fully agree on dreams and goals like . . . do everything we can to raise our children to be people who love the Lord with all their hearts . . . get and stay debt free . . . buy a place with 20+ acres and a huge porch. Even where we'd like to live post-Navy. But what to do when we get there? We have no idea! We think we know what we'd like to do if money weren't an issue . . . but as we all know . . . money is always an issue. We trust and know that God has a plan . . . a divine one, more amazing than we could ever imagine or dream up. The desire of our hearts is to live out that plan. We are fixing to enter that last segment of our Navy career (Karl is set to re-enlist for the last time on July 11th), and your prayers for us would be greatly appreciated. There are only 6 years left for us to figure all this out! Seems like forever when you say it, but when I think about the fact that in the first six years of our marriage we had 3 children, owned 2 homes, had lived in 4 states, that really makes it seem like this time will fly by. I'm not sure I'm ready for it! But you can watch and see Karl and I trusting in and relying on God to be our guide as we try to navigate through uncharted waters.

1 comment:

  1. I wish those last 6 years in the Navy could be spent in St. Mary's County. I feel like we will just get to know you guys and you will be off for another state. :(
