Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Young vs. Old

So, it's official, I am old. I wasn't feeling particularly old on Sunday(Father's Day). In fact, I was feeling quite young. All Us Wards were at the base pool, and a little girl swam over to me and struck up a conversation with me. She was cute and sweet and not really annoying, besides the fact that she never really left my side after that, so I entertained the conversation. When I finally stood up out of the pool, she exclaimed that she had thought I was a kid! :) That made my day, and she became my best friend for a day. So, Sunday was a good day! Then came Monday . . . Just a normal Monday (if there is any such thing.) We had to make a quick trip to the base to get an updated ID card for me, and brand new ID cards for Katy and Hunter - they were so excited! I stress the word "were". After being there for about 70 minutes (they, meaning the two civilians who were working, had processed an amazing 4 people) one of the workers came into the waiting area to explain that one of their computers had "gone down" and so they had only one computer to use. So, now I'm late for work, the kids - who have been super fantastic up till now - are getting bored and a little crazy, everyone else in the waiting room is starting to breathe a little more heavily in the not really air-conditioned air, and the vending machine starts eating everyone's money. Ugh! All that and then I had to go to work! So, we got our new ID cards (after being there for over 2 hours) and I went screaming off to work . . . arriving 40 minutes late! I have never been so late to work . . . or maybe anywhere for that matter! So, back to why I am now feeling old. . . it's work. I run around like a chicken with my head cut off, in what have to be the worst shoes ever (but are the best I have) and then drive 20 minutes home. By the time I get home . . . my legs are swollen, my knees are sore and my right hip feels like it's going to pop out of socket! If that's not old . . . I don't want to know what is!


  1. Hmmm. One night a couple weeks ago I walked all over San Francisco with my cousin. The next morning my knee hurt so bad I had to limp all over the place. The next day I took a taxi to rest my knee. Does this mean I'm old?

  2. Yes Steve... I think it does! :)

  3. No it means you are out of shape.

  4. Old is when you sleep all night and in the morning everything hurts before you even get out of bed. . . . .not that i would know . . . but old people have told me this and well they have wisdom and I believe them.

  5. As far as not being 40 minutes late to anything goes, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't imagine you being on time to Santiam when you walked there. And if i recall correctly your graduation was hanging in the balance because of your frequent tardiness.
    Oh, the good ol' days.

  6. Okay, okay, so I was late to high school a few times . . . well, okay maybe a dozen! Anyhow . . . in my adult life . . . not so much! I am married to a military man who believes that if you aren't 15 minutes early, you are already 10 minutes late! Some of that must've rubbed off on me over the years. :) Thanks for the reminder Nick.
