Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Perfect Fungus

Well, I don't really know what to write about today . . . nothing super major happened yesterday . . . I didn't have to work at the farm because our friend Peggy had a last minute hospital visit (she's expecting a baby any day now), and we got to watch their son Orrin (age 2) for the afternoon/evening. So that was kind of a nice surprise . . . both to have a toddler back in the house, and to not have to work. :) But I kinda missed the horses and Ms. Chris and Mr. Herb at the farm . . . Oh well, I'll see them on Friday. We had a nice little thunderstorm last night, which I always love. The guineas don't really care for the storms, but they get over it! :) I have so much to do today, that I don't know where to start . . . I have a list about a mile long to get done before we leave on vacation in less than a week! I'll get there . . . (through the list) eventually, because I have to. Oh! I almost forgot! We picked our first two cherry tomatoes yesterday! They were so yummy . . . straight out of the garden, still warm/hot from the sun. Perfect! On the flip side . . . there is a gross looking fungus growing in the cabbage area of our garden . . . I guess I should add googling to my list of things to do today. Must make the fungus go away!

1 comment:

  1. gotta love Google! the fungus just happens to be perfect . . . it's called dog vomit slime mold, and it's perfectly harmless! Yay! Nothing for me to buy or do for it, just let it be. :)
